Jun 11, 2009

The Benefits of Recycling

No, this isn't some mushy post about helping out Mother Earth -- it's about Rock-N-Roll!! I recently started a recycling program at work, and set up some boxes in our department to collect plastics for recycling. Today I was checking out the volume of bottles in my boxes, and saw some caps on a few Pepsi bottles that looked like the symbols from Rock Band (the drum set, guitar, bass and microphone). The cap had a promotional web address and there was a code on the inside. There wasn't anything on the label at all.

I went to the address, logged in with my Yahoo! ID, and entered the codes. Once you enter a code, it's worth one point that you can use to enter a bunch of different contests. Well, instead of trying to win a trip to Vegas or an X-Box 360, I entered the "free Rock Band 2 song download" contest. I figured the odds would be a lot better of actually winning something. Apparently, any time you enter your point into the song contest you win, so I now have 5 song downloads! The reason it's not mentioned on the bottle is because it's a new contest - there's still like 90+ days remaining. Awesome! Free Rock Band 2 DLC, here I come!

And it doesn't stop there. There are MyCoke Rewards points, and Dr Pepper has some sort of contest going on right now, too.

Needless to say, I'm planning on checking the boxes a lot more often!

I always knew recycling was a good thing.